Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Recently, I have connection problems with https://devstudio.jboss.com/
For example, I tried to install BYOE from https://devstudio.redhat.com/9.0/stable/updates/ into my Eclipse Mars JEE and I got errors such as
Unable to read repository at https://devstudio.redhat.com/9.0/stable/updates/core/9.0.0.GA/plugins/tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.ui_1.0.0.201508302102.jar.
Or when I tried to install JBDS-IS into JBDS 8.1.0.GA I got error
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: Unable to read repository at https://devstudio.redhat.com/static/updates/8.0.0/jboss-devstudio-8.1.0.GA-updatesite-core/content.jar
Note that all mentioned jar files are available, but not always. I tried to download them via wget from command line and after several tries I got read error.
Does someone else has similar problem like me? (note: I'm in Brno)