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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-3486

install grinder should support install of JBDS from installer, not just BYOE on Eclipse


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.x
    • 9.0.0.Beta2
    • build
    • None

      Max, in JBDS-3485, said:

      "I believe the tests all use BYOE install onto JavaEE, not JBDS installer. " that seems very unfortunate and weird since install grinder was written using JBDS to start with.

      Can you please make sure we got tests that covers this so we can catch missing pieces like this faster in future ? Thanks.

      The install grinder tests [1] run two groovy scripts [2].

      [1] http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-install-grinder.install-tests.matrix_master/
      [2] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-install-grinder/tree/master/scripts/src/main/groovy

      One fetches and installs Eclipse; the other performs an installation from an update site or discovery site's directory.xml file.

      In neither case is there support for installing JBDS (instead of Eclipse) and performing installations upon that base.

      We should add support for that.

              mistria@redhat.com Mickael Istria
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
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              3 Start watching this issue
