Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Do
Provide a single feature which includes both JBoss Central (pulled from JBoss Tools, minus its "community" plugin, org.jboss.tools.community.central) and the JBDS Central branding plugin, com.jboss.devstudio.core.central.
This will allow us to create Marketplace installs for things like JBDS Fuse Tooling which include ONLY the Fuse features + the bare bones of Central, without having all of JBDS come along for the ride. Without this, we can create a JBoss Tools-branded Fuse entry in the Marketplace, or a JBDS-branded Fuse entry in the Marketplace [which includes all of JBDS]. We want a JBDS-branded Fuse entry, which only includes the bare bones, not ALL the JBDS stuff.
Technical problems:
- Marketplace can only install features, not individual plugins
- Today, the only way to install JBDS Central via Marketplace is to include the com.jboss.devstudio.core.feature, which includes the com.jboss.devstudio.core.central branding plugin. But doing so installs ALL of JBDS, too.
1. Create a com.jboss.devstudio.core.central.feature which includes:
- com.jboss.devstudio.core.central
- org.jboss.tools.central
2. Optionally, could also include these plugins:
- com.jboss.devstudio.core.project.examples
- com.jboss.devstudio.core.usage.branding
- is blocked by
JBIDE-18426 Central installation drags in too many dependencies
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-18426 Central installation drags in too many dependencies
- Closed