Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)'
  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-2807

Update jrebel updatesite to use separate url for install feedback


    jrebel would like to see how many installs central gives and have given us this special url to use in discovery.xml.


    (the / at the end is important)

    We should change this for all active discovery plugins that have jrebel mentioned.

      1. JBDS2807_after_install_JRebel_JBDS7beta1_b441.png
        27 kB
        Nick Boldt
      2. JBDS2807_after_install_JRebel.png
        17 kB
        Nick Boldt
      3. JBDS2807_JBDS502_JRebel540_installed.png
        96 kB
        Nick Boldt
      4. JBDS2807_JBDS50x_patch.txt
        2 kB
        Nick Boldt
      5. JBDS2807_JBDS50x_patch2.txt
        1 kB
        Nick Boldt
      6. JBDS2807_JBDS601_JRebel540_installed.png
        85 kB
        Nick Boldt
      7. JBDS2807_JBDS60x_patch.txt
        2 kB
        Nick Boldt
      8. JBDS2807_JBDS60x_patch2.txt
        1 kB
        Nick Boldt
      9. JBDS2807_JBDS700_JRebel540_installed.png
        89 kB
        Nick Boldt
      10. JBDS2807_JBT33x_patch.txt
        2 kB
        Nick Boldt
      11. JBDS2807_JBT33x_patch2.txt
        1 kB
        Nick Boldt

            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
