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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-2508

Unable to install Google Web Toolkit Designer from Central


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.0.0.Alpha2
    • 7.0.0.Alpha2
    • central
    • None

      Unable to install Google Web Toolkit Designer.
      Error log:

      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Operation details
      	at org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.discovery.ui.PrepareInstallProfileJob_e_3_6.resolveInstall(PrepareInstallProfileJob_e_3_6.java:198)
      	at org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.discovery.ui.PrepareInstallProfileJob_e_3_6.run(PrepareInstallProfileJob_e_3_6.java:99)
      	at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)
      Contains: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
      Contains: Software being installed: GWT Designer GPE 3.1.2.r42x201303061641 (com.google.gdt.eclipse.designer.gpe.feature.feature.group 3.1.2.r42x201303061641)
      Contains: Missing requirement: GWT Designer GPE 3.1.2.r42x201303061641 (com.google.gdt.eclipse.designer.gpe.feature.feature.group 3.1.2.r42x201303061641) requires 'org.eclipse.wb.core.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found

      In JBT 4.1.0 can be Google Web Toolkit Designer installed without problems.

              rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
              rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
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