Resolution: Done
To build JBDS installer we need p2-director.zip [0], which is 9M and doesn't include sources. Ideally, we could just use something from Eclipse.org at build-time, and COULD include sources.
[0] https://svn.jboss.org/repos/devstudio/trunk/product/installer/p2-director.zip
I looked at tycho-standalone-p2-director [1,2] but it's only an update site – it lacks equinox.launcher fragments for the various platforms on which we run.
[1] https://github.com/eclipse/tycho/tree/master/tycho-bundles/tycho-standalone-p2-director
[2] http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/eclipse/tycho/tycho-standalone-p2-director/0.16.0/tycho-standalone-p2-director-0.16.0.zip
So... maybe we need to do something similar but include the binary bits too, so that we can produce something similar to what's in this zip [3] ?