Resolution: Won't Do
Compare the screenshots below.
This is Eclipse 4.2.0 JEE Bundle + JBoss Tools 3.4 nightly 3.4.0.v20120713-1256-H5190-M1 installed from http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/core/trunk/ (and has the new Eclipse 4.x skin with segmented coolbar menus and square view tabs):
This is JBDS 6.0.0M1 nightly installed from jbdevstudio-product-eap-universal-6.0.0.v20120713-1556-H2421-M1.jar - note the old curved view tabs and no separation between groups of coolbar buttons:
Should we be applying the 4.x look to JBDS 6, or staying with the old 3.x look from JBDS 5?
- is blocked by
JBIDE-11549 Support running JBT/JBDS on Eclipse Juno (4.2) platform
- Closed