To be added instead of the sample IUs currently in JBoss Central:
- SpringIDE -
JBDS-1735- PMD -
JBDS-1739- TestNG -
JBDS-1705- EGit -
JBDS-1744- FindBugs -
JBDS-1745- Subclipse -
JBDS-1777- Google/GWT -
JBDS-1737- license issues resolved - we can link but not mirror- JRebel -
JBDS-1946- license issues resolved - we can link but not mirror. May still slip to Beta1 due to AS 7/7.1 compatibility issues, if QE doesn't have time to vet
- relates to
JBDS-1735 JBDS50_0100: [COMMIT] (Dev) Spring (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1737 JBDS50_0110: [Uncommit] (Dev) Google/GWT (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1739 JBDS50_0125: [COMMIT] (Dev) PMD (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1744 JBDS50_0150: [COMMIT] (Dev) EGit (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1745 JBDS50_0155: [COMMIT] (Dev) Findbugs (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1777 JBDS50_0115: [COMMIT] (Dev) Subclipse (Extra)
- Closed
JBDS-1705 Unable to install/update testng from extras site
- Closed