In JBDS trunk [1], I've moved ESB refs in ./features/com.jboss.jbds.product.feature/feature.xml and ./site/site.xml to ./features/com.jboss.jbds.product.soa.feature/feature.xml and ./soa-site/site.xml, but other refs persist.
These references should be removed and dealt with as downstream extensions, etc.
- [3] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/html/internal-page.css **
506-a#new_seam_project_by_generate_entities:hover img { background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_seam_project_small_hov.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }507-
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }
508:a#new_jbpm_process_project img509:a#new_jbpm_process_project:hover img
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small_hov.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }510-
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jsf_project.png'); width : 48px; height : 48px; }
511-a#new_jsf_project img
- [3] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/html/internal-page.css **
- [4] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/html/overview.css **
263-a#new_seam_project_by_generate_entities:hover img { background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_seam_project_small_hov.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }264-
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }
265:a#new_jbpm_process_project img266:a#new_jbpm_process_project:hover img
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small_hov.png'); width : 83px; height : 48px; }267-
{ background-image : url('../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jsf_project.png'); width : 48px; height : 48px; }
268-a#new_jsf_project img
- [4] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/html/overview.css **
- [5] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/swt/ ** = ../graphics/icons/ctool/new_seam_project_small.png
17- = ../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small.png = ../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small_hov.png = ../graphics/icons/ctool/new_jbpm_process_project_small.png
21- = ../graphics/icons/ctool/new_struts_project.png
- [5] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/themes/jbds/swt/ **
- [6] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/plugin.xml **
254- value="%createnewLinkDescriptionSeam" />
255- <property
256: name="createnewLinkjbpm"
257: value="%createnewLinkjbpm" />
258- <property
259: name="createnewLinkDescriptionjbpm"
260: value="%createnewLinkDescriptionjbpm" />
261- <property
262- name="createnewLinkJSF"
- [6] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/plugin.xml **
- [7] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/ **
95-createnewLinkSeam=Create Seam Project
96-createnewLinkDescriptionSeam=JBoss Developer Studio includes a New Seam Project Wizard that allows you to setup project for full featured web application in Seam. You can use any combination of Java EE frameworks integrated to JBoss Seam.
97:createnewLinkjbpm=Create jBPM Process Project
98:createnewLinkDescriptionjbpm=JBoss Developer Studio includes a New jBPM Process Project that allows you to create applications using jBPM Framework
99-createnewLinkJSF=Create JSF Project
100-createnewLinkDescriptionJSF=JBoss Developer Studio allows you to create brand new JSF projects. A new JSF project will have all JSF libraries, tag libraries and a JSF configuration file. JBoss Developer Studio comes with a number of predefined project templates. These templates are flexible and easily customizable.
- [7] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/ **
- [8] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/plugin_customization.ini **
62-# the uri to be used to deploy the process. There is a preference for this
63-# property that initially contains the path for the jBPM standalone runtime
64:# (i.e. jbpm-console/upload). This value should be changed because in SOA-P
65-# another path is used (i.e. gpd-deployer/upload see
66-#\ deployer=/gpd-deployer/upload
- [8] ./plugins/com.jboss.jbds.product/plugin_customization.ini **
- is related to
JBIDE-8656 Split SOA components out of JBoss Tools aggregate site; create 2nd aggregate for SOA Tooling
- Closed