Feature Request
Resolution: Done
We should define what kind of certifications we want and then certify 3rd party plugins with JBDS
Certifiaction could for example be for Groovy Plugin we know it installs, but beyond that there aren't any guarantees.
For m2eclipse it would be the same with respect to installation but that we support the maven integration plugins and provide fixes for that - but not m2eclipse it self.
Specific versions for JBDS 5 are listed here and in JBDS-1594:
jslint/1.5 m2eclipse/ (or later) springide/ testng/
as well as everything listed in JBDS-1235 and JBDS-1593
- clones
JBDS-2484 3rd party certification for JBDS 7.0.0.GA (JBDS70_1211)
- Closed