That might be implemented using tycho application packaging or PDE build features.
It would let us:
- have any number of JBDS distribution we want (for WEB, SOA and etc development);
- simplified installer build, because build script would just create installer from JBDS distribution and EAP;
- no meta info generation during installation required;
- have only one way to launch JBDS using jbds.exe/jbds/ platform dependent launcher.
- change root feature from Eclipse Platform to JBDS and make JBDS real eclipse based product;
- trigger update for jbds by updating JBDS feature version;
- control list of available update sites in preferences.
- blocks
JBDS-1382 No obvious icon is present to launch JBDS after installation on Mac
- Closed
JBDS-976 JBDS does not have a branded icon on Mac OS X
- Closed
JBDS-1363 JBDS 4 upon applying updates loses the JBDS Splash
- Closed
JBDS-1379 Without Win64 installer (incl. Win64 XulRunner + Win64 Eclipse) JBDS installer can't run w/ 64-bit JVM
- Closed
JBDS-1226 Progress Monitor when no server install required is incomplete
- Closed
JBDS-1285 IllegalArgumentException when installing from UNC path on WinXP
- Closed
- duplicates
JBDS-486 improve mechanism for running local builds, including per-module building rather than FULL JBDS/JBT builds
- Closed
JBDS-857 Installer build should not depend on bundle.eclipse step or on creation of *-ALL-*.zip files
- Closed
JBDS-1308 replace b3 aggregator w/ tycho update site build
- Closed
JBDS-1350 JBDS should not rebuild/restest included JBT components; instead, aggregate components via b3aggr and p2.repo2runnable
- Closed