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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-1144

Packaging Archives tree item is not in Preferences Tree


      Packaging Archives tree item is not displayed in Preferences Tree as shown on picture: "Figure 8.2. Packaging Archives".

      Looks like it was replaced with new "Project Archives" tree item separated from JBoss Tools tree node. New version of Preferences window screenshot should be put to documentation.

      There is also misspelled word in figure description: "Fallow to JBoss Tools > Packaging Archives to " should be "Follow to JBoss Tools > Packaging Archives to ". "Follow" instead of "Fallow".
      Chapter: 8.1. Packaging Archives

      Documentation file: JBDS_2guidesversions/en/jsf/html_single/index.html

              smukhina Svetlana Mukhina (Inactive)
              vpakan Vlado Pakan (Inactive)
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