Resolution: Done
There is a list of some issues in Smooks JBDS documentation, it should be fixed:
Smooks is a Java Framework/Engine for processing XML and non XML data (CSV, EDI, Java, JSON etc).
Smooks is a Java Framework/Engine for processing XML and non XML data (CSV, EDI, Java, JSON etc). It provides:
We recommend using a minimum Smooks level of 1.1 or 1.2, but if you're using it in a deployed service, it depends on what version your runtime supports.
EXPL: There is no possibility to set smooks level in current wizard version
ADD: Add information howto add Smooks jars to make it working in Java Project
ADD: Add link for example which is reffered in the Smooks doc tutorial or at least
REMOVE: Remove information how to install Smooks dev tools (it's included in JBDS and need not to be installed)
REMOVE: Remove paragraph after Smooks form editor, It is duplicate, there duplicate information about how configuration file should be created
REMOVE: Remove "The second wizard page allow you to select Smooks configuration file version. Select the appropriate one and click Finish to complete the wizard.". There is no other page available in the current version. Smooks 1.2 is supported only
OLD:Java Bean Creation wizard appears. Specify a unique identifier for the new class, the class path, whether it's an array or not, and if it is a collection, also specify the collection class.
NEW:Java Bean Creation wizard appears. Specify a unique identifier for the new class, the class path.
MODIFY-EXPL:There are currently no such an options
ADD: Be more specific in 2.7 Java Mapping Configuration: Add: "In our case select Order class".
MISSING: Apply Template Task configuration example is incomplete and insufficient. Add screenshots and detailed howto.
MODIFY: Smooks Configuration testing using Smooks Run Configuration. Chapter refers some wiki page, it should be included in this document.
REMOVE: Remove chapter 3.1, it's the same content as chapter 3.0, suggest to move 3.1.x level to 3.x level
MODIFY: Reduce Input methods Processing Task section: Input methods: Simple, IBus, X input Method. There are no other methods available
MODIFY: "Input configuration - Target profile - Defines the target profie". Try to rephrase, x defines x is not as descriptive and helpfull as it could be
MODIFY: "Target Profile -". Add some description
MODIFY: Input configuration add space character after '-' chars
OLD: "This graphical editor allow you to perform drug/drop operations with the nodes of transform data"
NEW: "This graphical editor allows you to perform drag&drop operation with the nodes of transformed data"
OLD: Stream Filter Type - DOM
NEW: Stream Filter Type - SAX
OLD: Default Serialization is On: true
NEW: Default Serialization is On: false
Note: Relevant changes should be update in JBT documentation as well