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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-1103

Creating simple Axis Web Service fails running


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      Touch the client war to trigger a module restart to pickup the changed jars/classes. Restarting the appserver also works but is overkill.

      Touch the client war to trigger a module restart to pickup the changed jars/classes. Restarting the appserver also works but is overkill.

      It seems like JDBS wrongly creates axis-based web service. In comparsion to Eclipse 3.5 WTP, where everything goes OK as well as deploying and running od jboss-as 5.1

      Can be reproduced by following this tutorial http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/jst/components/ws/1.5/tutorials/BottomUpWebService/BottomUpWebService.html

      Eclipse 3.5 WTP creating, deploying, running - OK
      Opening workspace created by Eclipse 3.5 WTP by JBDS and deploying+running Axis WS - OK

      See attached log and workspace

        1. workspace.zip
          3.41 MB
        2. JBDS-1103.v3.patch
          7 kB
        3. JBDS-1103.patch
          4 kB
        4. axis_ws_run_error.log
          52 kB

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            lzoubek Libor Zoubek (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue
