Resolution: Done
In the GettingStartedDocs (http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.1.0.CR1/en/GettingStartedGuide/html/manage.html) it states:
- JBoss Developer Studio 2.1.0.GA is shipped with JBoss EAP 5 . When you followed the default installation of JBoss Developer Studio, you should already have a JBoss EAP 5 Server installed and defined. To run JBoss AS you need JDK 1.5, JDK 6 is not formally supported yet, although you may be able to start the server with it. *****
This sentence should be changed to note that JBoss EAP 5 (and 4.3 CP02+ are supported on JDK 6 and that JBDS 2.0 and 2.1 are only officially supported to run with JDK 5. You can however use any JDK with JBDS as long as the underlying Eclipse version supports it. So you can run JBDS with JDK 5 but you can run your EAP server with a different JDK (also point to docs where it shows this configuration or create it if it does not exist).