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  1. JBoss Core Services
  2. JBCS-40

LDAP authentized connection with mod_authnz_ldap SSL connection not estabilished


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • httpd 2.4.6 CR1
    • httpd
    • None
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      1) Configure mod_authnz_ldap for SSL connection (without certificates)
      2) Add an user
      3) Try to authentize with the user

      1) Configure mod_authnz_ldap for SSL connection (without certificates) 2) Add an user 3) Try to authentize with the user

      LDAP with SSL connection fails. The handshake fails due the TLS/SSL exception. The insufficient SSL security is thrown in testsuite.
      These exceptions raise in apache log (error_log):

      TLS: certificate [CN=dhcp-4-207.brq.redhat.com,OU=Directory,O=ASF,C=US] is not valid - error -8181:Peer's Certificate has expired..
      TLS: certificate [CN=dhcp-4-207.brq.redhat.com,OU=Directory,O=ASF,C=US] is not valid - error -8179:Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized..
      TLS: error: connect - force handshake failure: errno 13 - moznss error -12156
      TLS: can't connect: TLS error -12156:The server certificate included a public key that was too weak..


      [Tue Apr 12 07:47:07.065745 2016] [authnz_ldap:info] [pid 12723] [client] AH01695: auth_ldap authenticate: user hnelson authentication failed; URI /ldap-status [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind() failed][Can't contact LDAP server]

      Problem is with nss library, where old versions are able to work with secured connection without explicit certificate definition. Second problem is why is "default" certificate referring to "dhcp-4-207.brq.redhat.com" - this is not name of the computer, where the test is running and the name is same on different test machines.

            rhn-engineering-jclere Jean-Frederic Clere
            fgoldefu@redhat.com Filip Goldefus (Inactive)
            Filip Goldefus Filip Goldefus (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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