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  1. JBoss Core Services
  2. JBCS-1805

Apachectl does not accept parameters in JBCS httpd 2.4.57 SP5 on RHEL9.


    • 2
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Sprint 19
    • Critical

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Download and extract JBCS httpd 2.4.57 SP5 on RHEL9 using https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/softwareDownload.html?softwareId=106979
      2. go to the HTTPD_HOME directory and run the below command : 



      3.  Run the JBCS httpd using below command : 

      # ./apachectl -f /opt/jbcs-httpd24-2.4/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -E /opt/jbcs-httpd24-2.4/httpd/logs/httpd.log -k start

      Passing arguments to httpd using apachectl is no longer supported. You can only start/stop/restart httpd using this script. To pass extra arguments to httpd, see the jbcs-httpd24-httpd.service(8)

      4.  Same command initiated from JBCS httpd 2.4.57 SP5 from RHEL8 distribution works fine without any error. 

      # ./apachectl -f /JBoss/JBCS37/test/httpd-latest/jbcs-httpd24-2.4/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -k start
      # ps -ef | grep httpd
      root     28964     1  0 22:18 ?        00:00:00 /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/sbin/{*}httpd{*} f /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/conf/{*}httpd{*}.conf E /JBoss/JBCS37/test*httpd*-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/logs/{*}httpd{*}.log f /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/conf/{*}httpd{*}.conf -k start
      apache   28965 28964  0 22:18 ?        00:00:00 /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/sbin/{*}httpd{*} f /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/conf/{*}httpd{*}.conf E /JBoss/JBCS37/test*httpd*-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/logs/{*}httpd{*}.log f /JBoss/JBCS37/test/{*}httpd{*}-latest/jbcs{*}httpd*24-2.4/*httpd{*}/conf/{*}httpd{*}.conf -k start


      Is this due to any deprecated functionality in RHEL 9 or an actual bug ? 

              rhn-engineering-jclere Jean-Frederic Clere
              rhn-support-pamemane Pandurang Memane
              Santiago Gala Santiago Gala (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
