Resolution: Done
JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
SourceForge Submitter: lkral .
It seems JBoss gets mixed up when deploying an entity
bean with an invalid EJB-QL statement. The
DeploymentException is always reported for the last
entity bean declared in the ejb-jar.xml .
Please have a look at the attached testcase. Although
the invalid query belongs to the 'Test1' bean, JBoss
shows another bean in the list of incomplete
18:04:32,634 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner]
Incomplete Deployment listing:
MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=Test2,service=EJB
state: FAILED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: MBeanException:
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error
compiling EJB-QL statement 'SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM
Test1 AS o WHERE o.value2 = ?1'; - nested throwable:
Unknown terminal field: at line 1, column 47.
Encountered: "value2" after: "o.")
Cause: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error
compiling EJB-QL statement 'SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM
Test1 AS o WHERE o.value2 = ?1'; - nested throwable:
Unknown terminal field: at line 1, column 47.
Encountered: "value2" after: "o.")
state: CREATED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me:
Tested with: JBoss 3.2.5 / JDK 1.4.2 / SuSE 9.0
- is duplicated by
JBAS-1229 Finder with null EQL string reported o wrong entity bean
- Closed