Since 6.0.0.CR1 the lookup of EJBs via jndi doesnt' work anymore if the bean itself doesn't "implement" a business interface but inherits it. I''ve tried this with @Local annotated interfaces and both the old JBoss syntax ("appName/beanName/local") and the newly supported (as of 6.0.0.CR1) portable ones ("java:global/appName/moduleName/beanName!InterfaceFQN").
"Implements" here means actually specifying an implements statement at the class definition:
interface IBeanA {}
class BeanA implements IBeanA {} //lookup of BeanA works
class BeanB extends BeanA {} //lookup of BeanB doesn't work
- is related to
JBAS-7556 JNDI standardized namespaces
- Closed