Please forgive me if I've posted this to the incorrect component or failed to find an existing bug, I did look.
I'm porting our applications from Jboss 4.2.3 and found the following problem injecting mail sessions in EJBs and Servlet components.
I have several mails sessions configured. For example
<mbean code="org.jboss.mail.MailService" name="jboss:service=MyMailServer1">
<attribute name="JNDIName">foo/MyMailServer1</attribute>
<attribute name="User">myuser</attribute>
<attribute name="Password">myuserpw</attribute>
<attribute name="Configuration">
The jndi tree is created and all is present and correct.
private Session session;
Returns the default mail session (java:/Mail). When I removed the java:/Mail session jboss find the last session from the configuration and arbitrarily injects it. I also tested this placing another configuration after the java:/Mail config, and the result was that the session configured below (i.e. last) was referenced.
In short to recreate the bug.
Create 2 additional mail sessions in a *-service.xml file. Deploy a servlet, ejb or other component that supports @Resource. Attempt to inject one of the custom sessions (not java:/Mail using @Resource(mappedName="[jndi name]".
I also attempted to force the issue using a resource-ref in jboss.xml matching the resource-ref-name with the @Resource(name=".") and using the jndi-name (in case the usage of mappedname as been changed since 4.2.3. ) With no result.
Assuming this is a real bug, workarounds?
- duplicates
JBAS-6923 jboss provides wrong mailsession properties when multiple mailservices are deployed
- Closed
- is incorporated by
JBPAPP-5566 When multiple mail services are deployed they all share the same settings.
- Resolved
- is related to
JBAS-5896 Add a MailService sharedSession option
- Closed