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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-765

InstanceNotFoundException in re-deploying on 3.2.2


      SourceForge Submitter: rdefalco .
      When I redeploy an application in jboss 3.2.2 (jetty and
      tomcat) I have the attached exceptions (same for all
      my ejbjars and wars).
      At start time the deployment just go fine. It's when I
      redeploy with copying my.ear in deploy directory that
      things go bad. Whe I redeploy, undeploy seems to be ok
      and then the exceptions starts on some modules (not
      always the same), i did not notice in the log that
      something went wrong before it breaks.
      It breaks but it works , i.e my app just run fine with
      the new deployed ear.
      Anyway, don't know if it has a side effect but i use
      commit option A on all my entity bean.

      I've attached to this post two DEBUG server.log : one
      with a normal start --> deployment is ok, and one with
      the log starting with re-deployemnt of the same ear (ie
      copy of the file in deploy) --> exceptions (line 2870 for
      ex in attached file).

              starksm64 Scott Stark (Inactive)
              sourceforge-user SourceForge legacy user (Inactive)
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