Resolution: Done
Trying to call a method cluster wide on a service that extends HAServiceMBeanSupport fails with a
message like this:
2009-04-15 18:22:12,325 ERROR [org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall] (Incoming-19, found no method called echo in class org.jboss.ha.framework.server.HAServiceImpl$RpcHandler with (java.lang.Boolean) formal parameters
Looks like the handler linked in HAPartition is not the correct one or not able to cope with remote
method calls.
public interface EchoMBean extends HAServiceMBean
boolean echo(boolean echo);
public class Echo extends HAServiceMBeanSupport implements EchoMBean
public boolean echo(boolean echo)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mbean code="org.jboss.test.cluster.rspfilter.Echo" name="cluster.rspfilter:service=Echo">
<attribute name="HAPartition"><inject bean="HAPartition"/></attribute>
public void testTrueEcho() throws Exception
MBeanServerConnection[] adaptors = this.getAdaptors();
ObjectName on = new ObjectName("cluster.rspfilter:service=Echo");
Object[] args = new Object[] {"echo", new Object[]
, new Class[] {boolean.class}};
String[] signature = new String[]
List resps = (List) adaptors[0].invoke(on, "callMethodOnPartition", args, signature);
log.debug("Response list: " + resps);
assertEquals(1, resps.size());
if (resps.get(0) instanceof Exception)