Uploaded image for project: 'Application Server 3  4  5 and 6'
  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-6620 JON/Open Console Issues
  3. JBAS-6708

once DeploymentManager.stop() is called on a WAR deployment, the next time managementView.getDeploymentNamesForType("war") is called, a deployment is no longer returned for that WAR


      The deployment should still be returned, since the WAR is still deployed and just in the Stopped state.

      The fact that it is not returned causes it to give removed from the Admin Console's inventory (since our discovery scan calls managementView.getDeploymentNamesForType("war") to determine the currently deployed WARs) , which means if a user stops a WAR via the Admin Console, they will have no way to restart that same WAR using the Admin Console.

              emuckenhuber_jira Emanuel Muckenhuber (Inactive)
              ips_jira Ian Springer (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
