Resolution: Done
Steps to reproduce:
Attempt to create a new Topic or Queue. The following error occurs:
Failed to add Resource (see app server log for additional details): java.lang.RuntimeException:Failed to process template.
Deployment "vfsfile:/home/fjuma/jbossas5/Branch_5_x_extra/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/server/default/deploy/testTopic-service.xml" is in error due to the following reason(s): java.lang.RuntimeException: No Attribute found with name: downCacheSize for jboss.messaging.destination:service=Topic,name=testTopic, attributes: [DurableMessageCount, Instance, ExpiryQueue, ServerPeer, RedeliveryDelay, NonDurableMessageCount, NonDurableSubscriptionsCount, DurableSubscriptionsCount, Clustered, JNDIName, MaxDeliveryAttempts, MessageCounters, FullSize, AllMessageCount, MaxSize, DownCacheSize, SecurityConfig, CreatedProgrammatically, PageSize, Name, DLQ, AllSubscriptionsCount, MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit]
It looks like attribute names now start with an upper case letter instead of a lower case one.
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JBAS-6620 JON/Open Console Issues
- Closed