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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-5816

ClassCastException after redeploying ejb to cluster


      deploying 2 EARs.
      node1 is the deployment server, where application is hot-deployed into farm. node2 is a cluster member.

      baseEJB1-ejb.jar, packaged in base-ear.ear (contains ejb class BaseManagerBean which implements interface BaseManager).

      alpha.war and alpha-ejb.jar, packaged in alpha-ear.ear. A class in alpha-ejb (ProcessHandlerBean) instantiates the ejb, as follows:
      public class ProcessHandlerBean implements ProcessHandler {
      protected BaseManager baseman;

      Rebuild and deploy EAR2 to the cluster, causes no problems
      Running jboss with a single node (non-clustered) and rebuild and redeploy EAR1, then rebuild and redeploy EAR2 has no problems.

      In a clustered environment
      If i rebuild EAR1, redeploy it, then rebuild EAR2 (including the jar from EAR1 in the classpath for the libraries) and deploy, I get
      ClassCastException from a class in alpha-ejb that instantiates the ejb from baseEJB, but only on my deployment node, node1. The other node,
      node2, has no classcast exceptions. However, if i stop the deployment node1 and start it up again, then I get the ClassCastException on
      node2, and node1 has no errors. Restarting node2 then resolves CCE error.

              bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
              brettcave_jira Brett Cave (Inactive)
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