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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-5670

Using MessageConsumers with Message Selector make messages stuck in queue


      Hi *,
      here's the situation:

      We have JBossAS 4.2.2 with no changes. We're using the example queue 'A' (test with a new queue was not successfull) and transacted sessions.
      Every MessageConsumer and MessageProducer share the same Connection-object (changing this didn't help) and have their own Session-object.

      We use MessageConsumers with a MessageSelector and have to change the selector after a while. So that means closing the old consumer and create an new consumer with a new selector.

      First we sent 10.000 messages through a MessageProducer and after the messages have arrived we started two consumers (and changed the selector again and again). Everything works fine: The programm ends, all messages sent are recieved.

      But then the MessageProducer runs parallel as a seperate thread.
      What happens?
      The programm doesn't quite (because not all messages are recieved) and the jmx-console shows that a few messages are stuck in the "InProcess"-list. When you now close the programm the messages return to the queue.

      We tried that with not using selectors and everything worked fine. But we need to use selectors.

      I attached the test-programm.

              adrian.brock Adrian Brock (Inactive)
              kevin.lohmann Kevin Lohmann (Inactive)
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