An issue to track the hibernate upgrade needed by JBoss Cache.

      Brian: "The current Hibernate core release is not compatible with JBoss Cache 2.0 (JBC API is very different.) This breaks using JBC as a Hibernate 2nd level cache. For EJB3 entity caching I've written a CacheProvider impl that deals with JBC 2.0, so that use case is handled. But if people want to use Hibernate+JBC outside of EJB3, that will be a problem. A workaround to this would be to write an equivalent to what I did for EJB3 and include it in the hibernate-int module. I'm currently working with Steve on a much improved Hibernate/JBC integration for Hibernate 3.3. It would certainly be nicer to have AS 5 use that."

      The update was postponed for AS5 Beta4 (see JBAS-4725), however for CR1 (mid-March timeframe) we'd need to have a GA version of hibernate 3.3.0.

     Dimitrios Andreadis
     Dimitrios Andreadis
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