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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-4525

JBossMQ WriteTask in UIL2 could block forever


      The JBossMQ UIL2 WriteTask shutdowns when it is signaled by the ReadTask using an Thread.interrupt().

      If however, something "eats" that interrupt status of the thread then the WriteTask will block forever and never stop.
      This leads to thread leaks.

      The solution is not to wait forever for an interrupt. Instead the thread should periodically wake up
      and check the "started" flag. e.g. Here is the suggest patch in outline

      while (true)
      + synchronized (running)

      { + if (WriteState != Started) + break; + }

      BaseMsg msg = null;

      • msg = (BaseMsg) sendQueue.take();
        + // Only wait for 10 seconds
        + msg = (BaseMsg) sendQueue.poll(10000l);
        + if (msg == null)
        + continue; // re-start the loop when no message after 10 seconds

              adrian.brock Adrian Brock (Inactive)
              adrian.brock Adrian Brock (Inactive)
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