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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-4243

build.bat does not process command line arguments correctly


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      Can call ant.bat directly, but this requires setting up environment variables to pick up the correct version of ant which build.bat is supposed to do.

      Can call ant.bat directly, but this requires setting up environment variables to pick up the correct version of ant which build.bat is supposed to do.

      The batch script build.bat in the testsuite diredctory does not correctly deal long command lines, such as this required for testing: > build.bat -Djboss.dist=<dist location> -Dnode0=%MYTESTIP_1% -Dnode1=%MYTESTIP_2% -DudpGroup= tests

      Windows batch files throw out '=' signs when processing command line arguments. This the command line arguments above are:
      %2=<dist location>

      However, build.bat is written in such a way that it processes a maximum of 6 command line arguments. Thus, I can't run the testsuite with the command line above using build.bat. The same problem presumably applies to build.bat in the build directory.

      I have written a modification of build.bat which will handle command lines of any length, mimicking what the ant batch file does using the shift command. Will post this when JBoss Labs is available again.

            dandread1@redhat.com Dimitrios Andreadis
            rachmato@redhat.com Richard Achmatowicz
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