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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-3781

Stateful SB Instance Interceptor should not push SubjectContext if RunAsIdentity present


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • JBossAS-3.2.8.SP1, JBossAS-4.0.5.GA, JBossAS-5.0.0.Beta1
    • EJB2
    • None

      The following Subject Context push (with null Subject) to establish client security context should not be performed if the user has configured a RunAsIdentity in the caller bean.

      /* The security context must be established before the cache
      lookup because the activation of a session should have the caller's
      security context as ejbActivate is allowed to call other secured
      resources. Since the pm makes the ejbActivate call, we need to
      set the caller's security context. The only reason this shows up for
      stateful session is that we moved the SecurityInterceptor to after
      the instance interceptor to allow security exceptions to result in
      invalidation of the session. This may be too literal an interpretation
      of the ejb spec requirement that runtime exceptions should invalidate
      the session.
      SecurityActions.pushSubjectContext(mi.getPrincipal(), mi.getCredential(), null);

      The resolution is:
      if(SecurityActions.peekRunAsIdentity() == null)
      SecurityActions.pushSubjectContext(mi.getPrincipal(), mi.getCredential(), null);

              anil.saldhana Anil Saldanha (Inactive)
              anil.saldhana Anil Saldanha (Inactive)
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