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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-2926

Restore the authentication only semantics of the "*" role-name


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      tomcat 5.5.16 has implemented a strict semantic of the role-name=* behavior that requires one or more valid roles in order for access to be permitted. There is no notion of authentication only security constraints. We should add a jboss-web.xml flag:

      <security-domain authenticationOnlyAllRolesMode="true">...</security-domain>

      authenticationOnlyAllRolesMode = true if the all roles role-name of "*" is specified, and any authenticated user should be allowed access. A false setting defaults to restricting the allowed roles to those specified via security-role/role-name values. The tomcat service should also have an equivalent flag to set the default behavior for all web apps.

            starksm64 Scott Stark (Inactive)
            starksm64 Scott Stark (Inactive)
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