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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-2500

Bug when using both the PooledInvoker and PooledInvokerHA (client proxy shares the same connection pool)


      When using the pooled invoker for both clustered and non clustered, the client proxy used is the same class (PooledInvokerProxy). This class uses a static map variable for storing the connection pool. Therefore, if make a call for an ejb using ha pooled invoker (say on port 4446), this connection gets put into the pool. Then if make another ejb call using the non-ha pooled invoekr, will just the same PooledInvokerProxy class, check to see if there is a connection in the pool. Since this is a static variable, will see the same one from the previous call by the ha pooled invoker (that used port 4446) and make the call using that connection.

      This is a known bug in JBossAS 3.2.3. Will check all the current code base for all the source branches to see if applies.

              tom.elrod_jira Tom Elrod (Inactive)
              tom.elrod_jira Tom Elrod (Inactive)
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