Mapping system notifications to alarms, or polling attributes to decide when something is an alarm, is something that may be different for each deployment.

      Create a notification listener that processes notifications and does whatever with them, e.g. emit a mapped Alarm notifications, with the help of a script. We can use apache BSF to allow executing a script in any of the supported languages (e.g. beanshell, groovy, etc.).

      In addition, by setting up an additional JMX timer, we can be notified at regular intervals in order to effectively poll mbean attributes.

      Since executing a scripting language will have some overhead, we can enqueue the incoming notifications in memory and perform the processing in a background thread.

      The service seems to be quite generic, not strictly related to populating an active alarm table with alarms, rather reacting to system events to apply arbitrary scripting logic.

   Dimitrios Andreadis
   Dimitrios Andreadis
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