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  1. JBoss Admin Console
  2. JBADMCON-179

"WFLYCTL0113: '' is an invalid value for parameter filter" returned when the filter field for listMessages(String) is left empty.

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
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      With EAP running from the Hawtio console:
      1- Select JMX->jboss.as->messaging-activemq->default->DLQ
      2- Select the Operations tab and then listMessages(String) which opens the entry screen.

      3- Click on execute below the filter screen. Below the entry screen it says "A message filter. An undefined or empty filter will match all messages. . . Type: String"

      Also, the Result shows the following exception:

      javax.management.ReflectionException : "WFLYCTL0113: '' is an invalid value for parameter filter. Values must have a minimum length of 1 characters"


      With EAP running from the Hawtio console: 1- Select JMX->jboss.as->messaging-activemq->default->DLQ 2- Select the Operations tab and then listMessages(String) which opens the entry screen. 3- Click on execute below the filter screen. Below the entry screen it says "A message filter. An undefined or empty filter will match all messages. . . Type: String" Also, the Result shows the following exception: javax.management.ReflectionException : "WFLYCTL0113: '' is an invalid value for parameter filter. Values must have a minimum length of 1 characters"  
    • Undefined


      JBoss EAP 7.2.0.GA with Red Hat Fuse 7.3.0.fuse-730055-redhat-00001



      listMessages(String) filter should return all messages in the queue if the filter field is left blank. Instead an error is returned.


              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-mtrujill Mark Trujillo
              rhn-support-adandapa Aitik Dandapat (Inactive)
