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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-7940 Deprecate Compatibility Mode
  3. ISPN-9184

Remove compat mode from Remote Listener


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.3.0.Final
    • None
    • Listeners
    • None

      Remote Listeners uses compat mode checks in plenty of places to convert between storage and pojo format, and apart from that, there is a cache manager wide "event marshaller" used to unmarshal params for filters used in events, falling back to GenericJbossMarshaller when the marshaller is not set.

      It should not use a global marshaller and should not hardcode JbossMarshaller, instead the remote listener themselves should have a mechanism of choosing the format of the data, similar to "useRawData" (where one can choose to receive events in a marshalled or unmarshaled way). One way of doing it is to supply a MediaType in the listener with the desired format.

            gfernand@redhat.com Gustavo Fernandes (Inactive)
            gfernand@redhat.com Gustavo Fernandes (Inactive)
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