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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-8480

Data Inconsistency in case of Topology change in Infinispan Cluster

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      Data Inconsistency in case of Topology change in Infinispan Cluster

      Infinispan Version : 8.2.5
      Hibernate Version : 5.2.8
      JGROUPS Version : 3.6.7

      Clustering Mode : Replication
      We have tested the same with invalidation mode too.

      Refer below config cache-config for hibernate L2 entity types:

      <replicated-cache-configuration name="entity" mode="SYNC" remote-timeout="20000" statistics="false" statistics-available="false">
      <state-transfer enabled="false" timeout="20000000"/>
      <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED" concurrency-level="1000" acquire-timeout="15000" striping="false"/>
      <transaction mode="NONE" auto-commit="false" locking="OPTIMISTIC"/>
      <eviction size="-1" strategy="NONE"/>
      <expiration max-idle="-1" interval="5000" lifespan="-1" />

      When a disconnected node rejoins the cluster, data remains inconsistent on the reconnected node.
      This is happening for both Hibernate L2 Cache and some custom cache (AdvancedCache).
      The below 4 scenarios should explain the issue.

      For Example:
      Scenario (Issue) 1:
      -Initially the cluster comprises of 4 nodes, namely

      -Somehow, node D gets removed from the cluster view.
      -Then some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node B.
      -These updates/inserts gets propagated to all the nodes in the current cluster view, i.e. {A,B,C}.
      -And these updates/inserts doesn't get propagated to the Node D.
      -Now D has stale state of the L2 cache.
      -We expect, Node D should get the updated state of L2 Cache from {A,B,C}.

      Scenario (Issue) 2:
      -Initially the cluster comprises of 4 nodes, namely {A,B,C,D}

      -Somehow, node D gets removed from the cluster view.
      -Then some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node B.
      -These updates/inserts gets propagated to all the nodes in the current cluster view, i.e.

      -And these updates/inserts doesn't get propagated to the Node D.
      -Now D has stale state of the L2 cache.
      -Now D rejoins the cluster {A,B,C}

      -Now the updated cluster view is

      -Still D has stale state of the L2 cache.
      -We expect, Node D should get the updated state of L2 Cache from {A,B,C}.

      Scenario (Issue) 3:
      -Initially the cluster comprises of 4 nodes, namely {A,B,C,D}

      -Somehow, node D gets removed from the cluster view.
      -Then some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node B.
      -These updates/inserts gets propagated to all the nodes in the current cluster view, i.e.

      -And these updates/inserts doesn't get propagated to the Node D.
      -Subsequently, some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node D too. These updates are done on some other keys, and not on the keys on which the updates were done by Node B.
      -Now {A,B,C}

      and Node D have different but updated state of the L2 cache, And are not in sync.
      -Now D rejoins the cluster

      -Now the updated cluster view is {A,B,C,D}.
      -Still {A,B,C}

      and Node D have different but updated state of the L2 cache, And are not in sync.
      -We expect, updates from

      {A,B,C} and Node D should get merged to all the nodes in cluster.

      Scenario (Issue) 4:
      -Initially the cluster comprises of 4 nodes, namely {A,B,C,D}.
      -Somehow, node D gets removed from the cluster view.
      -Then some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node B.
      -These updates/inserts gets propagated to all the nodes in the current cluster view, i.e. {A,B,C}

      -And these updates/inserts doesn't get propagated to the Node D.
      -Subsequently, some updates/inserts in hibernate L2 cache is done on Node D too. These updates might be on the same keys on which the updates were done by Node B.
      -Now D has more updated state of the L2 cache.

      {A,B,C} are having stale state of the L2 Cache.
      -Now D rejoins the cluster {A,B,C}

      -Now the updated cluster view is



      {A,B,C} have stale state of the L2 cache.
      -We expect, {A,B,C}

      should get the updated state of L2 Cache from Node D.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rohit6600 Rohit Singh (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
