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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-7637

Administration console - Store config change fails if wb is enabled, modal is opened and no value changed.

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      The issue is that when the user opens one of the pop-up dialogs in cache configuration (e.g. cache store -> Write behind), doesn't change anything and clicks OK, make some other changes, there is an error pop up when they try to save changes.

      Steps to reproduce:
      Set up a file store:
      Cache container -> cache -> configuration -> Store tab -> Select file store -> apply -> ok -> restart later
      Make a change:

      • Cache container -> cache -> configuration -> Store tab
      • change an attribute e.g. Read Only
      • click on write behind (Don't change anything) -> click OK (WORKAROUND: if we click Cancel here instead of OK, everything works fine)
      • apply changes -> confirm
        Error pop-up:
        {"WFLYCTL0062: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:":
        Unknown macro: {"Operation step-5"}


              remerson@redhat.com Ryan Emerson
              rmacor Roman Macor (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
