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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-7139

Consistent prefix in property names of Hot Rod client configurations


      Most Hot Rod configuration properties use the prefix infinispan.client.hotrod. which makes it easy to recognize them.

      Some properties don't use the prefix though, such as all those related to connection pooling, e.g. maxActive, maxTotal, ..

      This makes it hard to read Hot Rod specific configuration properties from alternative sources. In particular we'd like to embed such properties in an Hibernate configuration file (for Hibernate OGM) but the fact that some properties need special handling forces us to keep a list of these to have special care, rather than being able to use a prefix like it is done in most such cases.

      It should be easy to prefix all the properties, and deprecate the names.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sgrinove Sanne Grinovero
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