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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-6794

Administration console - editing javascript task name doesn't work correctly


      Editing javascript task name, doesn't change the name of the script. If we try to edit name the script can no longer be executed.
      Console error message when trying to run edited script:
      Error Some unexpected problem happened when launching the task: DGISPN0118: Failed to invoke operation: java.lang.NullPointerException

      Steps to reproduce:
      upload javascript

      • click on cache container -> Configuration -> Tasks -> Create new script
      • fill in the mandatory parameter (e.g. Task name: newTask, Language: javascript, Execution mode: local, script body: cache.put('key','value'))
      • click create script task button

      edit script

      • click on cache container -> Configuration -> Tasks -> Edit
      • change the name of the script
      • click update script

      name remains the same and script can no longer be executed

      Note that other properties such as mode or script body can be edited in this way.

            vblagoje Vladimir Blagojevic (Inactive)
            rmacor Roman Macor (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
