Uploaded image for project: 'Infinispan'
  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-6672

Incorrect cache contents entries count


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.0.0.Alpha4
    • 9.0.0.Alpha2, 8.2.2.Final
    • Console
    • None
    • Hide

      1. Start docker

      2. In docker terminal, run:

      $ docker run -it --name master -h master -e "SLAVES=1" gustavonalle/infinispan-server-domain:9.0.0.Alpha2

      3. Open new terminal and run:

      $ eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env default)
      $ docker run --name spark-master -ti gustavonalle/spark:1.6.0

      4. Open new terminal and run:

      $ eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env default)
      $ docker exec -it spark-master /usr/local/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark:// --packages org.infinispan:infinispan-spark_2.10:0.2 --conf spark.io.compression.codec=lz4

      5. In the Scala terminal, type (you can copy paste it directly and it should work):

      import org.infinispan.spark._
      import org.infinispan.spark.rdd._
      import scala.util.Random
      val wordList = scala.io.Source.fromFile("/usr/share/dict/cracklib-words").getLines.foldLeft(List[String]())( (s, w) => w :: s)
      val phrases = (0 to 400).toStream.map(i=>Random.nextInt(wordList.size)).sliding(4,4).map(_.map(wordList).mkString(" ")).toSeq
      val phraseRDD = sc.parallelize(phrases).zipWithIndex.map(_.swap)
      val config = new java.util.Properties

      6. Go to admin console in, and go to "Cache containers clustered default (Distributed, Sync, 2 owners )" and you'll see there's been 101 puts but the cache contents are only 50 in the "General Status" tab, even if there's only one node in the cluster. If you go to the "Nodes" tab, it shows "Total Entries" being 101 which is correct.

      1. Start docker 2. In docker terminal, run: $ docker run -it --name master -h master -e "SLAVES=1" gustavonalle/infinispan-server-domain:9.0.0.Alpha2 3. Open new terminal and run: $ eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env default ) $ docker run --name spark-master -ti gustavonalle/spark:1.6.0 4. Open new terminal and run: $ eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env default ) $ docker exec -it spark-master /usr/local/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark: // --packages org.infinispan:infinispan-spark_2.10:0.2 --conf spark.io.compression.codec=lz4 5. In the Scala terminal, type (you can copy paste it directly and it should work): import org.infinispan.spark._ import org.infinispan.spark.rdd._ import scala.util.Random val wordList = scala.io.Source.fromFile( "/usr/share/dict/cracklib-words" ).getLines.foldLeft(List[ String ]())( (s, w) => w :: s) val phrases = (0 to 400).toStream.map(i=>Random.nextInt(wordList.size)).sliding(4,4).map(_.map(wordList).mkString( " " )).toSeq val phraseRDD = sc.parallelize(phrases).zipWithIndex.map(_.swap) val config = new java.util.Properties config.put( "infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list" , "" ) phraseRDD.writeToInfinispan(config) 6. Go to admin console in , and go to "Cache containers clustered default (Distributed, Sync, 2 owners )" and you'll see there's been 101 puts but the cache contents are only 50 in the "General Status" tab, even if there's only one node in the cluster. If you go to the "Nodes" tab, it shows "Total Entries" being 101 which is correct.

      "Cache Contents / Entries" field in management not correctly calculated. The screenshot should show 101 entries and not 50. See steps to reproduce.

            vblagoje Vladimir Blagojevic (Inactive)
            rh-ee-galder Galder Zamarreño
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
