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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-6465

Managent console - launching task with no parameters creates one empty parameter

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      Page: Caches -> select cache container -> select Tasks execution tab

      When launching new task, you can specify parameters, which works correctly, if you do. However, if you specify no parameters, you would then expect in your task when calling TaskContext.getParameters() to be null (or at least empty). Currently when you specify no parameters, the getParameters() returns Map with one entry, both empty key and value.

      This issue was not present in previous releases, when if no parameter specified, the getParameters returned null. I went through the history and tracked down the commit which causes it:

      commit 6a4d156a9678bcde18d8365ee75fbcea31373949
      Author: vblagoje <vblagoje@redhat.com>
      Date:   Wed Mar 16 14:57:02 2016 -0400
      Simplify task handling

      However, finding the actual cause is below my AngularJS knowledge.

              vblagoje Vladimir Blagojevic (Inactive)
              jholusa Jiří Holuša (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
