Setup a simple case with a cacheloader set with passivation enabled and and eviction policy of LRU and max enteries 1
-Put first value to cache
-Put second value to the cache
-Eviction runs
org.infinispan.interceptors.PassivationInterceptor#visitEvictCommand attempts to passivate the first value but dataContainer.get(key); returns NULL as it appears the value has already been removed from the data container, which is then passed into the cache store resulting in the NPE
Behaviour is subtly different if EvictionThreadPolicy.DEFAULT is used as the NPE is not immediately obvious but the operation still fails
With EvictionStrategy.LIRS similar issues arrise, the bug is not apparent on the second put operation but when get is executed NULL is returned
This only seems to occur with Passivation enabled
I encountered this when making heavy use of Lucene InfinispanDirectory and traced it through to this issue.