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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-4975

Cross site state transfer - status of push gets stuck at "SENDING" after being cancelled

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      After invoking: site --cancelpush backupSite on the producer site, status of the push operation seems to get stuck at "SENDING" value (tested by site --pushstatus), even if state transfer is not currently in progress.
      Invoking site --cancelreceive mainSite on the consumer site works correctly. New invocation of site --push backupsite leads to "X-Site state transfer to '%s' already started!" being displayed. The issue seems to be caused by XSiteStateTransferManagerImpl.siteCollector not being cleared.

      Used configuration:
      distributed caches, site A: 2 nodes, site B: 3 nodes, B is a backup for A.


      • Start A,B
      • Take B offline using takeSiteOffline
      • Load data into A
      • Push state into B
      • CancelPushState B
        • PushStateStatus remains stuck at SENDING & new push is not possible

              pruivo@redhat.com Pedro Ruivo
              mcimbora_jira Matej Čimbora (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
