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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-4368

StateTransferOverwriteTest random failures


      testStateTransferInBetweenPrepareCommitWithPutCreate sometimes fails because the state transfer doesn't finish in time:

      java.lang.RuntimeException: Timed out waiting for rebalancing to complete on node NodeBN-23267, current topology is CacheTopology{id=6, currentCH=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=60, numOwners=2, members=[NodeBM-52725, NodeBN-23267]}, pendingCH=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=60, numOwners=2, members=[NodeBM-52725, NodeBN-23267]}, unionCH=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=60, numOwners=2, members=[NodeBM-52725, NodeBN-23267]}}
      	at org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(TestingUtil.java:214)
      	at org.infinispan.distribution.rehash.BaseTxStateTransferOverwriteTest.doStateTransferInBetweenPrepareCommit(BaseTxStateTransferOverwriteTest.java:265)
      	at org.infinispan.distribution.rehash.BaseTxStateTransferOverwriteTest.testStateTransferInBetweenPrepareCommitWithPutCreate(BaseTxStateTransferOverwriteTest.java:94)

      The problem seems to be that the test intends to block the PUT_CREATE command on the primary owner of the test key, but it sometimes also blocks the state transfer put for the placeholder key - depending on which node was the backup owner of the placeholder key.

      The purpose of the placeholder key is also not very clear, we should add a comment how we expect the presence of another entry to interact with the tx / operation in progress.

            wburns@redhat.com Will Burns
            dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
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