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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-3916

Expiration reaper is not enabled until lifespan or max-idle is set

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      Add mixed data with a HotRod client:
      cache.put(K,V, lifespan, lifespan-TimeUnit)

      The data with a lifespan will be never removed from the datastore.
      A server restart is needed to free the memory.

      Add mixed data with a HotRod client: cache.put(K,V) cache.put(K,V, lifespan, lifespan-TimeUnit) The data with a lifespan will be never removed from the datastore. A server restart is needed to free the memory.
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      Set a very long max-ide or lifespan value (Long)
      i.e. "525600000000" which is about 100 years

      <expiration lifespan="525600000000" />

      Set a very long max-ide or lifespan value (Long) i.e. "525600000000" which is about 100 years <expiration lifespan="525600000000" />

      If a cache is added where entities are with and without expiration by external processes it is expected that the reaper purge the data from memory and datastore.

      As the reaper is only enabled for the cache if the element
      <expiration interval="millis" lifespan="millis" max-idle="millis"/>
      has one of the attributes lifespan or max-idle set to a value >0
      The expired entities will not be removed from the memory or datastore.

      This is an unexpected behaviour and might end in a memory bottleneck if a server is up for a long time.

              mircea.markus Mircea Markus (Inactive)
              rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
