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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-3695

Atomic Object Factory


      This feature implements a factory of atomic objects. The factory is universal in the sense that it can instanciate an object of any class. Below, we illusrate the usage of such a factory.

      AtomicObjectFactory factory = new AtomicObjectFactory(c1); // c1 is both synchronous and transactional
      Set set = (Set) factory.getOrCreateInstanceOf(HashSet.class, "k"); // k is the key to store set inside c1
      set.add("smthing"); // some call examples
      factory.disposeInstanceOf(HashSet.class, "set", true); // to store in a persistent way the object

      The implementation requires that all the arguments of the methods of the object are Serializable, as well as the object itself. The factory is built on top of the transactional facility of Infinispan. When an object is created, it stores both a local copy and a proxy registered as a cache listener. Then, it serializes every call in a transaction consisting of a single put operation. When the call is de-serialized its applied to the local copy and, in case the calling process was local, the resoibse value is returned to the caller.

            ttarrant@redhat.com Tristan Tarrant
            otrack Pierre Sutra (Inactive)
            Pierre Sutra Pierre Sutra (Inactive)
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                Original Estimate - 1 week, 2 days
                1w 2d
                Remaining Estimate - 1 week, 2 days
                1w 2d
                Time Spent - Not Specified
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