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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-3236

Repeatable Read: Transactions are not isolated when read non-existing keys


      Repeatable read transaction is not isolated when they read a non-existing key.

      cache.get(k) //returns null
      //in the meanwhile a transaction writes on k and commits
      cache.get(k) //return the new value. IMO, this is not valid for
      REPEATABLE_READ isolation level!

      //TODO add a test case for all the write operations (except put map because it does not read the old value)
      cache.get(k) //returns null (op#1)
      //in the meanwhile a transaction writes on k and commits
      write operation performed:

      • put: must return the same value as op#1
      • conditional put //if op#1 returns null the operation should be always successful (i.e. the key is updated, return true). Otherwise, the key remains unchanged (return false)
      • replace: must return the same value as op#1
      • conditional replace: replace should be successful if checked with the op#1 return value (return true). Otherwise, the key must remain unchanged (return false).
      • remote: must return the same value as op#1
      • conditional remove: the key should be removed if checked with the op#1 return value (return true). Otherwise, the key must remain unchanged (return false)

      //TODO2: check if after a remove, the following get return null and the description above is still valid.

              pruivo@redhat.com Pedro Ruivo
              pruivo@redhat.com Pedro Ruivo
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