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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-3202

Infinispan cachestores remove entries early when maxIdle used

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      1. Create an Infinispan cache with a cachestore.
      2. Put and entry in the cache using maxIdle (30 seconds).
      3. Ping the entry regularly with a get before maxIdle times out (every 20 seconds).
      4. Wait maxIdle time from creation (30 seconds after initial entry insertion).
      5. Look at the cache (the cache removed the entry).

      1. Create an Infinispan cache with a cachestore. 2. Put and entry in the cache using maxIdle (30 seconds). 3. Ping the entry regularly with a get before maxIdle times out (every 20 seconds). 4. Wait maxIdle time from creation (30 seconds after initial entry insertion). 5. Look at the cache (the cache removed the entry).

      When adding an entry to the cache (embedded), specifying maxIdle... The entry goes into the store, but the store removes the entry when maxIdle time elapses from creation (rather than from last access).

      The cache correctly keeps the entry in memory (unless evicted).

      This leaves the cache and store out of sync.

      I saw this same behavior with both stringKeyedJdbcStore and fileStore.

              wburns@redhat.com Will Burns
              shadowcreeper_jira Ralph Jennings (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
