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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-3163

Replacing entry via HotRod which was initially stored via Memcached does not change CAS


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 5.3.0.Final
    • 5.3.0.Final
    • None
    • None

      Users might expect that CAS (check-and-set) operation will work even in compatibility mode which is currently not true in the following scenario:
      1) store a key/value via Memcached
      2) change the value via HotRod or Embedded
      3) use Memcached's CAS operation

      In step #3 the memcached client will update the value even though the value was changed by another client in the meantime. The memcached client was supposed to change it only if it had not been changed in the meantime.

      The following test snippet shows the problem:

      public void testMemcachedPutHotRodEmbbeddedReplaceMemcachedCASTest() throws Exception {
            final String key1 = "5";
            // 1. Put with Memcached
            Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
            assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
            CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
            // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
            VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
            assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));
            // 3. Replace with Embedded
            assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v2", "v3"));
            // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
            CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
            assertEquals("v3", newValue.getValue());
            assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas()); 
      //<---- fails here

            rh-ee-galder Galder ZamarreƱo
            mgencur Martin Gencur
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
