Resolution: Done
Attempt to create cache distributed cache from SQL query store configuration section will fail with:
CacheConfigurationException: ISPN008053: Delete and select queries do not have matching arguments. Delete was [name, name] and select was [name]
Using SQL bellow in select-single instead of the existing one seems to fix the issue.
SELECT t1.name, t1.picture, t1.sex, t1.birthdate, t1.accepted_tos, t2.street, t2.city, t2.zip FROM Person t1 JOIN Address t2 WHERE t1.name = :name AND t2.name = :name
Issues with proto schema examples:
- The section is showing two proto schemas where first (person) refers the second one. Attempt to create the schemas in this order will fail.
- Address proto schema is missing ; at the end of package line
- Person proto schema needs to import ${address_proto_file_name} in order so it can be successfully created.
- is documented by
JDG-6686 [DOCS] Proto schemas in SQL query store configuration section are broken
- Verified
JDG-6687 [DOCS] SQL query store configuration section uses invalid cache configuration
- Verified
JDG-6865 [Doc]: ISPN-15717 Fix proto schema and cache configurtion in SQL query store configuration section
- Closed